Thursday, April 17, 2008

Favorite Resource To Help Manage Biopolar Disorder

This book gets 5 *****'s as a great resource to help people understand and manage bipolar, be it for themself or a loved one.

Sometimes people with bipolar disorder think that they are imagining that they have it. The disease itself contributes to that misconception. This easy to understand book reads more like a magazine and plainly explains what happens when you have bipolar, what to expect, and what you can do about it.

Read this review by a patient:

"Simply put, this book has changed my life. After years of being in denial about my illness, or perhaps more correctly-in confusion about my illness, I picked this book up this summer and could not put it down. David Miklowitz warms up to the reader like a small town country doctor, who comes into your living room, holds your hand, looks right into your eyes-and tells you exactly what's wrong with you. He doesn't frighten you with jargon or condescending academic mumbo-jumbo or scientific psychobabble. His tone is friendly, calming, and his concepts accessible, even when he explains the biochemical basis for bipolar disorder. I particularly like how he peppers every chapter with small capsules of what other bipolars have gone through in their own words. The book is a must for every bipolar's library-newly diagnosed, veterans, those still in denial. Relatives, loved ones, friends, and professionals working in the field with bipolar disorder patients will find it an excellent resource as well."

Check it out here - there may even be a used copy you can get for a discount!